Thursday, July 12, 2007


Hi! I'm not trying to solve the mystry of life & death. I'm not going beyond death.
I'm trying to deal with the time between birth & death.
Just think ! Why we are here ?...Why U are here ? LIVING ??
What is there , for which u are living ? Do u want to live coz your parents are
living ? OR You don't have the courage to kill yourself ? What is the sole Aim of
your life ? Confused ! What is there in your Aim ? What is the reason behind
choosing a thing as your Aim ? Why do you chose an Aim or Goal ? Is it because
everyone choses one ? Why are you studying or doing a job ? WHY ? Is it becoz
you don't have any other work to do ? Is it what others doing ? or Your parents/friends want you to do that ?

For me (& I think for everyone) ENJOYMENT is the Ultimate GOAL.Some people would disagree with me as many IDEAS & religions say Enjoyment is not the goal but Knowledge is.... but dear you want to know coz u find enjoyment in knowing .... & I think if u don't enjoy doing a work then u can't do it whole heartedly (but u should know when to stop).Enjoyment is the GOAL;whethere it's physical,mental,emotional or something else; the sole reason behind every thought,every Aim,every Work is Enjoyment .... some do it knowingly...some do it unknowingly.....some know it but, deny it ....

Why are you studying ? May be you enjoy studying,may be u enjoy knowing new things, may be u want a "good" job so that u can earn MONEY & Position to enjoy your life,may be to get a job & get married to a "Beautyful" or "handsome" person,may be u want to be recognized as a scolar...

Person to person the mode of enjoyment varies, as u have seen in the above lines; but one thing remains common & ie. ENJOYMENT, the longing for enjoyment.Everyone is thirsty , one drinks coffee, another takes tea , another
takes some soft-drink & someone else takes WATER. But the main Aim is to get
rid of thirst.But i'v seen FOOLs (inculding me) who forget all about thirst & pay
heed to the means more a person is not getting any soft-drink but he has
water in plenty but still he's thirsty as he wants soft-drink !...People make a fus
about a cup of tea or coffee , they dont pay heed to the presence of water; they
have a hangover on the modes of relieving thirst;they forget the main aim of
drinking soft-drinks - to get rid of THIRST.

I'v seen my brother work ! he works day & night..he leaves home by 08:30 in the morning & comes back at 10:30 at night & receives calls till 12:30AM
& then tries to watch some TV (only tries to), and falls asleep on the couch...he
earns a lot....but,do you call this living.....why u earn live comfortably to enjoy life....but dear dont earn so much that u dont get time to enjoy your life becoz the sole aim of earning is lost then.

So, dont bother what people say or do , what the society thinks or does (remember society is for us & we make it & not u are for society & society makes u). Keep always in Your MIND only one sentance - "Will I get enjoyment
out of what I'm doing or thinking" Don't suppress your feelings as GOD has made
you like that AND what U feel IS WHAT U SOULD DO...AND GET ENJOYMENT

Ask yourself - Will I get enjoyment out of what I'm thinking or doing ?

Would I get Enjoyment in future ? Will the Enjoyment last ? Is there any other

way of doing it ? Is it harming some other Bigger GOAL or ENJOYMENT ?

So, dont get confused or carried away with the modes of enjoyment
(like my bro,u accumulate n accumulate u r so much in accumulating that u
almost have no time to spend; I'm not saying that u dont want to spend but, i'm
saying that u dont get time to spend). Think & chose that mode which suits u the
most (Hungry ? chose between Dominoz or PIZZA HUT but don't forget that you
are hungry..)Get something by which u can get enjoyment at the earliest (but that enjoyment should be stable .. I mean take the short-cut but I dont mean

So, take care of 3 things
1. DOES THE "MODE" suits you (otherwise the mode is nothing but a
comode) ?

2.How much time would it take to fetch you , your enjoyment ?

3.How much will it fetch ?

4.Is it stable ?

Would you be able to enjoy throught your life ie. will it be eternal with respect to you ?

------Extracted from nowhere, it's form THE MAN -- "OOUM" (& that's ME)

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