Friday, July 13, 2007

A Cup of Sugar

A Cup of Sugar ..... Why only "A" cup of sugar ? Why not two or three cups of

sugar ? Why a "CUP" ? Why not a glass or mug ? Why "SUGAR" ? Why not milk

or tea or coffe ? Strange ! Isn't it ? All these questions I'v mentioned have

already arose in your mind as soon as you looked at the line ...... I'v just

mentioned but you'v already asked yourself , before I mentioned them. You'v

stared putting in LOGIC n your KNOWLEDGE n your EXPERIENCE. And

everybody knows why Adam n Eve were banished from Heaven ..... It was The

Apple of Knowledge ... and we are banished from Heaven each n every Moment.
See, neither I have any degree to make you understand this nor God has come

to me n delivered these facts .... so i know you may be thinking this guy is crazy

or "Antel"(don't worry if you don't recognize this word, its a bengoli word for

"educated idiot"). I'm not trying to make any point out here (there lies the secret

every point is not a "point"). Now you are thinking , Then what the hell does he

want or half of the people have already skiped the article or even closed the

page. What I want you to do is to simply stop thinking ..... and read the words as

they are.

A Cup of Sugar .... thats allllllllll ! .... It has no special meaning God Damn IT !

What ? Is it impossible to have a cup of sugar ? It just sounds Good.

Now you are thinking n cursing as a moron .... If it was so simple Why didn't he

revealed it in two lines ? See our brain works on a complex plane and whatever

simple is there is either overlooked or forgoten .... thats why I took the complex

road to reach to the simplest destination.

Do you know what Truth means ? You'll say "I don't care !" or "Who are you ?"
But truth is to look at things as they are wihout your ego ... to be "SIMPLE" - a

car or anything is never bad or good .... its the Ego which makes the same thing

good or bad to different people.

See it's not rocket science , it's simple n told by a simple person .... and that's

why (I know) you don't like both of them ..... You are thinking "this guy is crazy it's

such a simple thing .... this is not what Buddha found out after so much of effort "
It looks simple but not easy to do ... forget about Ego and all the high-funda stuff,
just try "not to think" for 1 minute (ONLY) ... read whatever is written ... hear

whatever is heard but, don't think............Just Chill ! And Be Cool ! Why to think

on everything (like thinking about "A Cup of Sugar") .....

Whatever I'v said { (I thik) , (I'm trapped.. F**K    IT !) } is the essence of ZEN.

Now, before putting "." I would like to tell you a 5-line ZEN story(a riddle) :

A man,a follower of ZEN, was hangging fom the edge, holding the edge with his

mouth (please don't start thinking how he's able to do that). A person comes to

that person and asks him, "What is ZEN ?"

What happens next ? If he utters a word he will die , if he doesn't he would

disrespect ZEN.

AND the ANSWER is :


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