Sunday, July 15, 2007


"life is always full but we don't make it but, we do think it's lacking the search of that something, the life is gone - we behave like

the king who's searching for the king of his kingdom which he can never find as

he is the king himself".

People say nobody is perfect and to be perfect , the continuos realization and

effort to be perfect is the cause to be alive , is the mantra to reach success.

The word perfect Is very deceptive. I don't know about the dictionaries available in

the market but;  What do you think? Can you define it? Can you define

perfection? To me Perfection means a very very relative Word. A person or A thing

can be perfect in one field or in some other field but, we cannot say the person or

the thing is perfect as a whole. Elton John is a perfect singer and Tom Cruise is a

perfect actor. So, you can see it's not that easy to define perfection. A person

may be perfect at the office but he may be a failure at home.

So perfection is deceptive.

And I Think everybody is perfect by Birth but, sometimes there's a problem when

Elton John tries to be Tom Cruise or Tom Cruise tries to be Elton John. Elton

John is a good singer because god has made him like that and Tom cruise is

Tom cruise because god has made him like that. By birth everybody is unique

and got gifted and a person's job is to find out the gift and to polish it, as every

successful person does.And not to aquire a fake personality , there  lies the credibility.

So,the main thing is to be satisfied with what you are & don't try to be like others.

And to know your qualities and develop them; by saying develop I mean not to

change them but I mean to polish them.

We are so much preoccupied with what others have, that we forget what we

have. We should admire others' qualities but we should pay heed to our own

qualities & shouldn't be a Copy Cat.

And (don't try to be, but) be a good and successfull person.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am imperfection personified...but obviously it depends on perception...others may find me perfect...!!

trying to be philo...just trying mind u...
nice posts...gave me food for thot..Keep posting but say somethings from ur life too or the posts become dull....again depends on individual perception...!!!