Sunday, July 15, 2007


"life is always full but we don't make it but, we do think it's lacking the search of that something, the life is gone - we behave like

the king who's searching for the king of his kingdom which he can never find as

he is the king himself".

People say nobody is perfect and to be perfect , the continuos realization and

effort to be perfect is the cause to be alive , is the mantra to reach success.

The word perfect Is very deceptive. I don't know about the dictionaries available in

the market but;  What do you think? Can you define it? Can you define

perfection? To me Perfection means a very very relative Word. A person or A thing

can be perfect in one field or in some other field but, we cannot say the person or

the thing is perfect as a whole. Elton John is a perfect singer and Tom Cruise is a

perfect actor. So, you can see it's not that easy to define perfection. A person

may be perfect at the office but he may be a failure at home.

So perfection is deceptive.

And I Think everybody is perfect by Birth but, sometimes there's a problem when

Elton John tries to be Tom Cruise or Tom Cruise tries to be Elton John. Elton

John is a good singer because god has made him like that and Tom cruise is

Tom cruise because god has made him like that. By birth everybody is unique

and got gifted and a person's job is to find out the gift and to polish it, as every

successful person does.And not to aquire a fake personality , there  lies the credibility.

So,the main thing is to be satisfied with what you are & don't try to be like others.

And to know your qualities and develop them; by saying develop I mean not to

change them but I mean to polish them.

We are so much preoccupied with what others have, that we forget what we

have. We should admire others' qualities but we should pay heed to our own

qualities & shouldn't be a Copy Cat.

And (don't try to be, but) be a good and successfull person.

Friday, July 13, 2007

A Cup of Sugar

A Cup of Sugar ..... Why only "A" cup of sugar ? Why not two or three cups of

sugar ? Why a "CUP" ? Why not a glass or mug ? Why "SUGAR" ? Why not milk

or tea or coffe ? Strange ! Isn't it ? All these questions I'v mentioned have

already arose in your mind as soon as you looked at the line ...... I'v just

mentioned but you'v already asked yourself , before I mentioned them. You'v

stared putting in LOGIC n your KNOWLEDGE n your EXPERIENCE. And

everybody knows why Adam n Eve were banished from Heaven ..... It was The

Apple of Knowledge ... and we are banished from Heaven each n every Moment.
See, neither I have any degree to make you understand this nor God has come

to me n delivered these facts .... so i know you may be thinking this guy is crazy

or "Antel"(don't worry if you don't recognize this word, its a bengoli word for

"educated idiot"). I'm not trying to make any point out here (there lies the secret

every point is not a "point"). Now you are thinking , Then what the hell does he

want or half of the people have already skiped the article or even closed the

page. What I want you to do is to simply stop thinking ..... and read the words as

they are.

A Cup of Sugar .... thats allllllllll ! .... It has no special meaning God Damn IT !

What ? Is it impossible to have a cup of sugar ? It just sounds Good.

Now you are thinking n cursing as a moron .... If it was so simple Why didn't he

revealed it in two lines ? See our brain works on a complex plane and whatever

simple is there is either overlooked or forgoten .... thats why I took the complex

road to reach to the simplest destination.

Do you know what Truth means ? You'll say "I don't care !" or "Who are you ?"
But truth is to look at things as they are wihout your ego ... to be "SIMPLE" - a

car or anything is never bad or good .... its the Ego which makes the same thing

good or bad to different people.

See it's not rocket science , it's simple n told by a simple person .... and that's

why (I know) you don't like both of them ..... You are thinking "this guy is crazy it's

such a simple thing .... this is not what Buddha found out after so much of effort "
It looks simple but not easy to do ... forget about Ego and all the high-funda stuff,
just try "not to think" for 1 minute (ONLY) ... read whatever is written ... hear

whatever is heard but, don't think............Just Chill ! And Be Cool ! Why to think

on everything (like thinking about "A Cup of Sugar") .....

Whatever I'v said { (I thik) , (I'm trapped.. F**K    IT !) } is the essence of ZEN.

Now, before putting "." I would like to tell you a 5-line ZEN story(a riddle) :

A man,a follower of ZEN, was hangging fom the edge, holding the edge with his

mouth (please don't start thinking how he's able to do that). A person comes to

that person and asks him, "What is ZEN ?"

What happens next ? If he utters a word he will die , if he doesn't he would

disrespect ZEN.

AND the ANSWER is :


Thursday, July 12, 2007


Hi! I'm not trying to solve the mystry of life & death. I'm not going beyond death.
I'm trying to deal with the time between birth & death.
Just think ! Why we are here ?...Why U are here ? LIVING ??
What is there , for which u are living ? Do u want to live coz your parents are
living ? OR You don't have the courage to kill yourself ? What is the sole Aim of
your life ? Confused ! What is there in your Aim ? What is the reason behind
choosing a thing as your Aim ? Why do you chose an Aim or Goal ? Is it because
everyone choses one ? Why are you studying or doing a job ? WHY ? Is it becoz
you don't have any other work to do ? Is it what others doing ? or Your parents/friends want you to do that ?

For me (& I think for everyone) ENJOYMENT is the Ultimate GOAL.Some people would disagree with me as many IDEAS & religions say Enjoyment is not the goal but Knowledge is.... but dear you want to know coz u find enjoyment in knowing .... & I think if u don't enjoy doing a work then u can't do it whole heartedly (but u should know when to stop).Enjoyment is the GOAL;whethere it's physical,mental,emotional or something else; the sole reason behind every thought,every Aim,every Work is Enjoyment .... some do it knowingly...some do it unknowingly.....some know it but, deny it ....

Why are you studying ? May be you enjoy studying,may be u enjoy knowing new things, may be u want a "good" job so that u can earn MONEY & Position to enjoy your life,may be to get a job & get married to a "Beautyful" or "handsome" person,may be u want to be recognized as a scolar...

Person to person the mode of enjoyment varies, as u have seen in the above lines; but one thing remains common & ie. ENJOYMENT, the longing for enjoyment.Everyone is thirsty , one drinks coffee, another takes tea , another
takes some soft-drink & someone else takes WATER. But the main Aim is to get
rid of thirst.But i'v seen FOOLs (inculding me) who forget all about thirst & pay
heed to the means more a person is not getting any soft-drink but he has
water in plenty but still he's thirsty as he wants soft-drink !...People make a fus
about a cup of tea or coffee , they dont pay heed to the presence of water; they
have a hangover on the modes of relieving thirst;they forget the main aim of
drinking soft-drinks - to get rid of THIRST.

I'v seen my brother work ! he works day & night..he leaves home by 08:30 in the morning & comes back at 10:30 at night & receives calls till 12:30AM
& then tries to watch some TV (only tries to), and falls asleep on the couch...he
earns a lot....but,do you call this living.....why u earn live comfortably to enjoy life....but dear dont earn so much that u dont get time to enjoy your life becoz the sole aim of earning is lost then.

So, dont bother what people say or do , what the society thinks or does (remember society is for us & we make it & not u are for society & society makes u). Keep always in Your MIND only one sentance - "Will I get enjoyment
out of what I'm doing or thinking" Don't suppress your feelings as GOD has made
you like that AND what U feel IS WHAT U SOULD DO...AND GET ENJOYMENT

Ask yourself - Will I get enjoyment out of what I'm thinking or doing ?

Would I get Enjoyment in future ? Will the Enjoyment last ? Is there any other

way of doing it ? Is it harming some other Bigger GOAL or ENJOYMENT ?

So, dont get confused or carried away with the modes of enjoyment
(like my bro,u accumulate n accumulate u r so much in accumulating that u
almost have no time to spend; I'm not saying that u dont want to spend but, i'm
saying that u dont get time to spend). Think & chose that mode which suits u the
most (Hungry ? chose between Dominoz or PIZZA HUT but don't forget that you
are hungry..)Get something by which u can get enjoyment at the earliest (but that enjoyment should be stable .. I mean take the short-cut but I dont mean

So, take care of 3 things
1. DOES THE "MODE" suits you (otherwise the mode is nothing but a
comode) ?

2.How much time would it take to fetch you , your enjoyment ?

3.How much will it fetch ?

4.Is it stable ?

Would you be able to enjoy throught your life ie. will it be eternal with respect to you ?

------Extracted from nowhere, it's form THE MAN -- "OOUM" (& that's ME)